About Wine ?

mercredi 9 mars 2016

North America

The North America is a region in the world who product some good red wines. This country is the sixth producer of wine in the world behind Spain, Italia and France and owns a surface of  425,000 hectares. 

90% of the american wine production in concentrated in California that has able to develop the culture of the wine thanks to the importation of grapes from regions of Europe in the 17th century like Bourgogne, Bordeaux or North Italia.
The principales grapes are for red wines the pinot noir, the cabernet sauvignon, the Zinfandel, the merlot and the shiraz. In parallel, they product three different white wines like the chardonnay, the sauvignon blanc and the viognier. 

The California  is the most famous place for wines in USA because of its great climatic situation. The climate is very similar to the France, and more precisely of the Bordeaux. These similarities allow to this state to produce some quality wines.

The Santa Clara, Ridge wineyards (Monte Bello) is part of the best wines in California. This castle of wine is one the oldest of USA (1892) and respect a strict tradition of the production of wines. 

The second one is the Alexander Valley, Vérité Estate, considered as the future star of the Californian wine. The wineyard have three tank of wine (la Muse, la Joie et le Désir) established with Bordelais variety grapes.

You can also find some great other wines in California a little known fact but interested to taste. ( Picture Below)

Lang & Reed 

This vineyard was founded in 1996 by John and Tracey Skupny. They product some wines with the utilisation of the cabernet franc grape orginating from France (Chinon, Bordeaux and Bourgueil). Their willingness is to associate this specific grape with the charateristics of the californian terroir. 

Cartlidge & Brown

Founded by Tony Cartlidge and Glenn Browne, this wine est very famous according to its price quality. This vineyard use the pinot noir grape and product generally suave and souple wine. 

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